At its virtual launch event held in California, Apple announced the unveiling of the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro series on September 14, 2021. Corroborating the details that have come out in the public domain through rumors and multiple leaks, the renowned mobile maker has unveiled four iPhone 13 models. The latest models correspond to the previous year’s iPhone 12 line-up. The recently launched models are iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13, iPhone Pro Max, and iPhone 13 Pro. These models have similar overall designs and screen sizes when compared to their respective predecessors. However, they have perceivable improvements such as overhauled cameras, better battery lives, narrower notches, and cinematic video recording mode. These models also have a new A15 Bionic SoC processor and an iOS15 operating system. The pre-orders of the latest models will begin on September 17, 2021, in countries such as Japan, the UK, the US, Australia, China, and Canada. The retail availability of these models in these countries will commence on September 24, 2021.
iPhone 13 Series Specifications
- Processor and Graphics: All the new iPhone models have a brand new A15 Bionic SoC processor. This in-house processor comes with a 6-core CPU – four efficient and two high-performing cores – and a 16-core Neural Engine. Hence, the processor performance is 50% better than that of the other competitors existing in the market. Talking about the graphic support, iPhone 13 Mini and iPhone 13 house a four-core GPU, and the iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPhone 13 Pro feature a five-core integrated GPU.
- Battery Life: Though Apple has not disclosed the battery and RAM capacities in its virtual launch event, the rumors are ripe over the likely numbers. The company website reveals that the battery lives of iPhone Pro and iPhone Pro will be 1.5 hours better than that of their predecessors, while iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPhone 13 will have 2.5 hours better battery life when compared to that of their predecessors.
- Storage: iPhone 13 Mini and iPhone 13 are the first non-Pro iPhones that boast of storage space of more than 256GB, whereas the iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPhone Pro are the first iPhones to hit the market that have up to storage space of 1TB.
- Display and Brightness: Though the latest models and their predecessors have similar screen sizes, they have a 20% narrower notch to increase the display screen space. All the models have improved brightness. The Pro models can scale up their refresh rate from 10Hz to 120Hz dynamically depending on different types of user inputs such as swipe speed. Due to this feature, iPhone Pro models have become more power-efficient and responsive. All the latest iPhone 13 variants have their HDR brightness at 1200nits. The daytime brightness is at 1000nits for iPhone 13 Pro and 800nits for iPhone 13. All these models support HDR10, Dolby Vision, and HLG.
- Appearance: Build with flat-edge aluminum frames, iPhone 13 Mini and iPhone 13 come in five different colors, such as Midnight, Pink, Blue, Red, and Starlight. Both these models have IP68 water and dust ratings and Ceramic Shield material on the front side. On the other hand, the iPhone 13 Pro models have a surgical-grade stainless steel body with a custom finish. Hence, these models are resistant to corrosion and abrasion. The iPhone 13 Pro models come in Gold, Graphite, Sierra Blue, and Silver body colors.
- Camera: Using a wide-angle camera, the models such as iPhone 13 Mini and iPhone 13 capture 47% more light to provide outputs with more brightness and lesser noise. This wide-angle camera has an f/1.6 aperture, 1.7um sensor pixels, and sensor-shift optical stabilization. While working in night mode, it quickly captures sharper shots. These models also have a new Cinematic video mode that lets the users shift focus between subjects while in motion. The company says that transition happens in real-time automatically when an object enters or leaves a frame. The ultra-wide camera has an aperture of f/2.4 and a 12-megapixel display. Both the iPhone 13 Pro models have a 77mm telephoto camera with 3X optical zoom. These models also sport ultra-wide cameras that can take macro shots at a distance of up to 2cm from an object and a primary wide camera with 1.9um sensor pixels and an f/1.5 aperture. These cameras capture faster shutters, more light, lesser noise, and long brackets when mounted on a tripod. Due to computational photography, all these cameras even work in night mode.
- Custom-designed Components: The latest iPhone models use customized antennas to provide 5G connectivity and support various bands in different places. New apps in these iPhone models improve privacy and offer on-device speech recognition for Siri audio requests using on-device machine learning features.
The storage capacities of these iPhone 13 models determine their prices in the market.
- iPhone 13: The price of the base variant that provides a storage space of 128GB is Rs. 79,900 in India. iPhone 13 variant with a storage capacity of 256GB costs Rs. 89,900, whereas the one with 512GB storage space comes with a price tag of Rs. 99,900.
- iPhone 13 Mini: The respective prices of three storage variants of iPhone 13 Mini are Rs. 69,900, Rs. 79,900 and Rs. 99,900.
- iPhone 13 Pro: The iPhone 13 Pro will cost Rs. 1,19,900 for 128GB, Rs. 1,29,900 for 256GB and Rs. 1,49,900 for the 512GB. The price may go up to Rs. 1, 69,900 for 1TB storage variant of iPhone 13 Pro.
- iPhone 13 Pro Max: The different storage variants of iPhone 13 Pro Max are respectively priced at 1,29,900, Rs. 1,39,900, Rs. 1,59,900 and Rs. 1,79,900.