Infinix launched Infinix InBook series laptops in India on December 8, 2021. One is Infinix InBook X1 Pro. It is powered by a single Intel Core i7 processor. The other is Infinix InBook X1. It runs either on Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i3 processor options. All these models come with a 14-inch full-HD IPS display, and they run on Windows 11 operating system. They also have 10th Gen Intel Core processors under their hoods. The laptop models of the Infinix InBook X1 series will be available for sale from December 15, 2021. These laptops are available for purchase on Flipkart. In this article, we will walk the readers through the specifications and the prices of these laptop models.
Infinix InBook X1 and InBook X1 Pro pricing in India
Infinix X1 comes equipped with the Intel Core i3 processor, 256GB SSD storage, and 8GB RAM. The equipment comes with a cost of Rs. 35,999. Another Infinix X1 version comes with 512GB SSD storage, an Intel Core i5 processor, and 8GB RAM. The price of this version is Rs. 45,999. On the other hand, the Infinix InBook X1 Pro comes with 512GB SSD storage, an Intel Core i7 processor, and 16GB RAM. The InBook X1 Pro comes with a price tag of Rs. 55,999.
Infinix InBook X1 Specifications
- Operating System: Models run on Windows 11 operating system.
- Display: All the models feature a 14-inch full-HD IPS display. It has a peak brightness of 300 nits.
- Processor: Models either uses Intel Core i5-1035G1 or Intel Core i3-1005G1 option.
- Storage: Intel Core i5-1035G1-based model has 512GB SSD storage capacity and 8GB LPDDR4X. On the other hand, Intel Core i3-1005G1-based model comes with 256GB SSD storage capacity and 8GB LPDDR4X.
- Graphics: Infinix InBook X1 has integrated Intel UHD graphics to display high-definition pictures.
- Webcam: The 720-pixel webcam of this model uses hardware-based privacy switches. This webcam produces high-definition pictures.
- Audio Support: The Infinix X1 series models have 1.5W stereo speakers, two microphones, and two 0.8W tweeters to provide good quality audio. The audio system uses DTS audio processing technique to beam high-quality sound.
- Connectivity: The InBook X1 models have two USB 3.0 ports, one USB 2.0 port, and two USB Type-C ports to connect to the internet. These devices can connect to the internet even through Bluetooth v5.1 and Wi-FI 802.11ac options. The models also have a 3.5mm headphone jack and an HDMI 1.4 cable for faster connectivity.
- Battery: The 65W Power Delivery option charges the 55Wh battery of this device swiftly.
Infinix InBook X1 Pro Specifications
- Operating System: Model runs on Windows 11 operating system.
- Display: Infinix InBook X1 Pro sports a 14-inch full-HD IPS display that shows a peak brightness of 300 nits.
- Processor: This gadget uses an Intel Core i7-1065G7 processor.
- Storage: The device comes with 512GB M.2 SSD storage and 16GB LPDDR4X RAM.
- Graphics: The InBook X1 Pro uses Intel Iris Plus graphics to beam high-definition pictures.
- Webcam: The device has a high-definition, 720-pixel webcam. This webcam uses a hardware switch to enforce privacy.
- Audio: The device carries 1.5W stereo speakers, two 0.8W tweeters, and two microphones. This audio system uses DTS Audio processing techniques to beam high-quality sound to the users.
- Connectivity: InBook X1 Pro model can use one USB 2.0 port, two USB Type-C ports, and two USB 3.0 ports to offer internet connectivity. However, the high-end version of the device uses Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth v5.1 for improved wireless connectivity.
- Battery: The Power Delivery option charges the 5Wh battery of this high-end version of InBook quickly.
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