The mobiles of the OnePlus 7 series and the OnePlus 7T series will be getting a new operating system update. This brand new OxygenOS update has fixed long-pending issues faced by WhatsApp users. Previous versions of OS were not supporting the receipt and dispatch of media files through WhatsApp. The new OS update also comes with a new security patch for the Android operating system. The OS update is happening only for OnePlus 7T series smartphones in India. OnePlus had launched the OnePlus 7T series smartphones in September 2019 and the OnePlus 7 series mobiles in May 2019. At the time of launch, the OnePlus 7T had Android 10 out-of-the-box OS, and the OnePlus 7 had Android 9 Pie out-of-the-box OS.
OS Update
The reputed mobile maker OnePlus has announced that it was giving OxygenOS update to OnePlus 7T Pro, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7, and OnePlus 7T smartphones through a series of posts on a community site. The post further added that the company is giving OS updates to all four mobiles globally, including Europe. However, only the OnePlus 7T series mobiles will get this OS update in India. The company is planning to release these OS updates gradually to a selected few in the initial phase. The rest will get the updates in the latter half of the coming year (2022) only after its initial evaluation. Since the updates reach the users over-the-air, they have to update their fully-charged smartphones under a strong Wi-Fi connection. The users can check for the updates manually by visiting Settings > System > System updates.
Issues Handled
The brand new update of OxygenOS lets the WhatsApp users receive and send media files and provides improved system stability. The latest OxygenOS update also gives a new Android security patch for the overall data security of the devices.
OnePlus is trying to score through its latest smartphones in the mobile space.